
Showing posts from November, 2018

Fear of Rejection

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I was asking few friends of mine to go out during these free days in the weekend, but to note on that, I'm not a person who likes to do so - asking them whether they are free or not. It is because I fear of rejection. I hate rejections. Rejections make me feel worthless. Yes, unfortunately, I put rejection as on how worthy I am. As I entered degree life, with different life, and different timetable so its kinda hard for me to catch up with the others. But, I do feel lonely. In this new course, in this old but new environment place, it doesnt help me to feel any much better.  I feel that each day in this semester made me die inside. So as I already asked few friends of my, and as I expected, they declined me. Okay, it's normal. It's not wrong to reject others. But the problem now is, Im the one whos going to handle the rejection. My reaction towards it, it was vulnerable. I tried to deny the feeling of sadness in me when I get rejected